Thursday, February 02, 2012

Claire turns 3!

Last weekend our baby girl celebrated her 3rd birthday.  (I suppose that means I should drop the "baby" part now?)  We did the usual shindig at our house and Claire partied like a pro.  Unlike her first two parties, this time I channeled  Martha Stewart and made the party decorations and desserts.  It was fun doing this but as Brian will readily testify I was undoubtedly MORE stressed-out about having things be perfect.  Maybe each year it will get easier through practice?  It was my first time making a cupcake tower, afterall.

I got the birthday girl to smile pretty before her guests arrived.  In all there were 11 small children running around our house.  It experience.

3 little pigs, 3 billy goats gruff, and goldilocks and the three bears were all over the house.

Before her guests arrived Claire was marching around the house banging her cymbals.

In case you are wondering, that's a pig mask around her neck.  We had a couple of crafts planned for the kids but apparently new toys and a bounce-house trump crafts any day. 

She does love her chocolate!  Claire requested a chocolate cake for her special day.

Here she is with some of her friends, eating noodles for dinner.  Pasta dinner is a tradition for her birthday parties.

Tyler got a taste of cake too, but he didn't really go crazy for it.  He treated it more like finger paints than food.

Happy birthday to our sweet little girl!

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