Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A very happy valentine's day

My little valentines were sweet as can be yesterday.  Tyler and I enjoyed a valentine's day story-time session at the library while Claire shared valentines with all of her friends at daycare.  She came home all sugared up but she still had room for a special heart-shaped grilled cheese sandwich!  That's right, we had a fancy grilled-cheese dinner for Valentine's day.  Mommy was feeling lazy!  But not lazy enough to skip making our annual flourless chocolate torte.  : )

Thanks for the gorgeous flowers, Brian!

Claire and her valentine from Great Grandma Phyllis:

Tyler enjoyed his valentine too!

Mmm mmm good.  I make this flourless chocolate torte once a year.  It is extremely rich but so worth it.  Homemade raspberry sauce is the kicker!

Somebody got carried away with dessert.

Tyler was thrilled to get a valentine from his sister.

Here we are after the kids are in bed and we have food comas.

 Happy valentine's day everybody!

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