Sunday, July 01, 2012

Better late than never

Here's some old news:  We went to Austin over Memorial Day weekend!  You probably already knew that.  But you probably have not seen these photos, am I right? 

We have our friends Tim, Christine, and Maya to thank for finally talking us into visiting them in Austin.  The city was beautiful and there was so much to do and eat!  The girls got along wonderfully and proved to us that they are mature enough for slumber parties.

Yes, it was hot out but the lack of humidity made hiking quite comfortable.  We had no idea Austin was so hilly, and this offered many beautiful vistas of the area.

We discovered that Claire is absolutely terrified of water fountains right now.  Her brother on the other hand was all about it!

We went to my Uncle John's home too, and spent the day playing in the pool and exploring the farm.

We had a blast at the farm!  Horses, chickens, a mini-donkey, tractor rides, home-made ice cream...what more could you want?

We are so grateful to our friends and family for making the trip an amazing one!  Hope to see you all again soon!

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