Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tyler is an amazing kid, and I wish I had all the amazing photos that he deserves! The poor kid really doesn't get enough camera time. We threw a fun party for him at a local nature center, with a frogs and toads theme. It was a dual birthday party with his best friend Marcus from preschool. Here is the very little that I captured in photos:

Here are the birthday boys (in green shirts) decorating froggy bags.

Then we played a fly-catching game with blow outs.

An educator brought in a frog for the kids to meet, then they hunted for bugs in the nature center exhibit.

There was some silliness. Ok, lots of silliness. It may have had something to do with all of the gummy frogs that were consumed.

Then cake time!

Two happy boys.

Tyler is our big 4 year old now. He likes to keep reminding his sister that he is NOT a baby. But he will always be my baby.  : )

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