Saturday, April 11, 2015

Cherry blossoms

We dared to do what no local probably ever does: we went to see the cherry blossoms at the national mall, on the peak weekend. I knew it was going to be madness, but we didn't have another choice seeing as how those blossoms did not cooperate and bloom during spring break last week. I'm glad we went at least this once. The blossoms are gorgeous! We met up with friends there and did a good bit of walking in the sunshine. As you can see from the photos, the kids did more than just walk. We may have tuckered them out a bit!

The kids earned their junior ranger badges for the cherry blossom festival. They took an oath to protect the trees, after which Claire promptly returned to her task of jumping and grabbing branches.

The kids loved running under the canopy of fluffy blossoms.

No trip to the national mall is complete without a spin around the old carousel.

Girls did as they were told. "Pose for a picture, ladies."

At least they were semi-upright. Things went downhill from there:

I would love to do it again sometime, but next time we'll pick a day when Brian can come too. (He's in California.) We miss you, Love!

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