Thursday, May 14, 2015

Camping at Cape Henlopen

Okay folks, you know how I operate. I love love love posting photos a month late.
That is a lie, of course. I am simply the worst blogger ever. Here's my post about our camping trip a few weeks ago! We limit our camping to only once a year because, well, we really like to sleep in beds and that is hard to give up. It's so worth the poor sleep though when we see how much fun the kids are having.
 The ocean was quite cold but that didn't stop Claire and Tyler. They put on their swim suits and played in the surf. I was wearing long pants and a fleece jacket.

We couldn't resist driving down to Rehoboth beach for one afternoon. Very pretty!

There are old army towers in the park, and they are great for sunset viewing.

Claire brought a few friends on our camping trip.

Here's Tyler after winning a slap jack game -- happy boy!

And now it will be a year before my next camping post.

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