Monday, March 09, 2009

Claire's First Hike

California is in the middle of a very big drought. The water conservation board is talking about mandatory 20% water cutbacks this year and the Governator has declared the state of California officially in a drought. It is only fitting that all of this is going on during a period in which we received non-stop rain for a couple of weeks. I think we went from 4inches for the season to 10inches and 95% of normal. This doesn't really help much though as this is the 3rd consecutive year we've had below normal rainfall. We need to have something like 130% of normal rainfall this year to end the drought. The reason I bring this up is that Sarah and I have been itching to go out for a hike but the rain has dampened our plans for several weeks. This "cabin fever" as we Californians call it when the temperature barely reaches 60 and the skies cloud over for a few days caused us to go ahead and buy some tickets to visit Hawaii in a couple of months and in the meantime the rain has finally stopped and we've been able to take Claire out hiking. Nothing major just a two mile hike (we tried to make her walk it but she refused) in the Saratoga hills at a lovely place called Villa Montalvo. It was a wonderful time and Claire mainly slept as we carried her up the hills. At the top we met a nice couple who were expecting their own baby in about 4 months. We chatted about babies if you can believe that and then headed back down the mountain. At the bottom we meet a nice couple I'll kindly refer to as the Bizzaro Sivitz's. If you've watched Seinfeld you know what I mean. Anyway, they drove a Silver 2002 Mazda Protege 5 (ours is Black), had a baby boy (ours is a girl), carried her in a sling (we use a bjorn), and their little one was 9-weeks old (ours is almost 6 weeks, which is 9 upside down). After talking with the Bizzaro Sivitz's about an upcoming meeting of the Bay Area Baby Wearer's group we parted ways and of course headed in the opposite direction. We then had a picnic outside of Coffee shop in Saratoga and took Claire to a nice little bamboo patch at the Hakone gardens. After this full day Claire slept for 6 straight hours. A new record for us.


Karen said...

Thanks for the nice photos. Claire seems more alert now. Can't wait to see her. So are you saying the other couple were not to your liking? Or are they just the opposite of you three? I am not a Seinfeld watcher.

Brian said...

Nothing against the other couple, they were just the opposite of us in all possible ways. I forgot to mention that the mom was carrying their baby and I (the dad) was carrying ours.

Steven Banks said...

I bet the bizzaro sivitz wife had a goatee and the husband was bare chinned.