Its not yet clear if Claire likes hiking or not, but she certainly doesn't complain when we take her out. Yesterday we took her on her second hike, this time to Alum Rock park in San Jose. This is a really nice spot in the East San Jose hills. The park is made up off a nice big valley with a river running through it and is surrounded by mountains (which is actually redundant to say since I've already mentioned it was a valley). There are many miles of hiking trails, some of which cut through the valley and meander near the streams and some of which climb the steep hills on the outskirts of the park. From several points in the park there are nice views of San Jose and the South Bay. Santa Clara County park officials did not pay me to describe the park so you can rest assured this is an accurate assessment of the park. Anyway, we took Claire there yesterday and we hiked for about an hour and a half and attempted to show her the views of the surrounding ci
ties. She may have briefly opened one eye and looked at a clover, but she pretty much slept the whole time we were in the park. She even slept through a somewhat smelly and uncomfortable visit to the public toilet. It should be noted that I discovered yesterday that even though the baby may not be able to use the toilet, if the person carrying the baby needs to use the restroom, you can't simply leave her outside to play with the dirt. Because of this Claire got to experience the dirt and grime of a park men's room for the very first time. I apologized to her for this experience and attempted to explain that the sorry state of the restroom should not be used to form a stereotype that all men are dirty pigs. I figure that if I can start breaking down these gender barriers before they're created in her mind she'll grow up to be a more tolerant individual. I'm actually quite proud of this seemingly inconsequential event as I feel like even though she won't remember this that I've done a service to humanity or at the very least to her husband of the future. That's right little Johnny or Mickey or whatever your name is, you can rest more comfortably in your diaper tonight knowing that little Claire will treat you with more respect and is less likely to curse the male race on the account of you forgetting to properly load the laundry machine. Now w
ith that said, if you are reading this, that doesn't give you an excuse to be a lazy bum and not treat her like a princess. By the time she's old enough to marry you, there will be technology to allow me to watch your every move. And believe me, I'll be watching you like a hawk with extra special super duper glasses.
1 comment:
I even go so far as to bet you'll have a hand in designing the technology that allows you to spy on Claire's future husband. Sneaky sneaky, Sivitz Sivitz.
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