Sunday, April 19, 2009

Super Claire

All right, let's try to write a blog post that does NOT mention anything about poop. This week we hiked in Uvas Canyon park where the waterfalls are flowing this time of year. Claire is still very much into trees, and she spent most of the hike staring upwards again. We had a good laugh when we passed another couple of hikers who commented "he sure likes the trees". Claire was wearing all pink and sucking on a pink pacifier at the time so initially we thought they were talking about Brian but no, apparently our daughter must have looked rather like a boy! Gender confusion aside though, we really enjoy our encounters with other hikers. Everyone loves to gawk at Claire, and plus we always get somebody to take a family photo of us.

The weather has been so nice we've been picnicking and napping outside every chance we get. Sarah has also been spending her afternoons in the garden while Claire watches the ferns sway in the breeze. It's incredible how simple things can really catch her eye, more so than her fancy baby toys. Even a kleenex can be intriguing and can provoke excited kicking and cooing when waved in front of her face. More and more Claire is demanding to be propped up in sitting so that she can keep an eye on us. She is also practicing countless numbers of mini sit-ups when reclined, which must be preparation for sitting and rolling.

Claire appears to be ending her bottle boycot and is now willing to take a bottle once a day. Thank goodness! She is also sleeping 6 consecutive hours at night (in her own room now) which we attribute to her successfully finding her thumb (see photo). This doesn't mean there aren't any fits though. If we don't get her a warm bottle in a timely fashion, she explodes in her classic style. So we have initiated a "Super Claire" protocol which seems to calm and distract her long enough to prepare a bottle for her. A video of this process is posted below. Keep in mind that this is just preliminary and we will add theme music and super-baby attire in the future if it continues to prove effective.


Karen said...

It must be warmer in California than last weekend since you hiked in short sleeves.

Aah. A thumb sucking baby is a quiet baby.

Great video. Keep them coming. If you think stimulating Claire is quieting her, try it before bed. Really you are wearing yourself out distracting her. My arm is sore just watching you.

Alicia said...

Yes, I thought that the pink was certainly a dead give-away that you have a son!

I was rolling on the floor laughing at super-claire! But i think she needs a pink cape in case someone sees the baby and doesn't realized that Claire is a boy!

The Count Del Monte said...

I appreciate the absence of poop in this post.