Monday, April 13, 2009

We have Liftoff

In an event not very similar to that of the Somalian pirates holding an American Captain captive in a lifeboat with a Naval ship breathing down its neck, after a roughly 80 hour standoff, Claire has freed both the Captain and all of his crew by blowing out 3 consecutive diapers. These events all took place within a span of 2 hours and happened so fast that some onlookers had to ask "Could that be what I think it is in her belly button?".... I guess we're lucky we didn't have to wait 7 days as one of my coworkers said happened with his daughter. When asked about the events of the last few days, Claire neither confirmed nor denied that her lack of poop was an act of defiance. Instead she simply smiled and continued talking to the ceiling fan.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Without mentioning the 'p' word, I must say that cute little Claire just wanted to be cute, clean, and cuddly while we visited. Thank her for us.