Friday, April 10, 2009

How about a post from Sarah for a change? This weekend we have grandma and grandpa Sivitz visiting us from Iowa. At 10 weeks old, Claire is entertaining them with her kick-boxing demonstrations and enthusiastic cooing. The cooing is enthusiastic up to the point that she realizes we don't understand a word she is saying, then she launches into high-pitched screaming to tell us that she "wants milk now, damn it!!". In our attempts to bottle-feed Claire to prepare her for daycare, we have discovered that she has gradually become very picky about the type of bottle nipple. Apparently the playtex silicone nipples "just like mom's" aren't at all just like mom's! In fact, they're so different she has felt obliged to spit the milk out of her mouth as she screamed like a banshee, rather than to give in and actually swallow some. We have since found a nipple that she seems to like, but feedings still aren't our favorite time of day. Bring on the advice all you parents out there!

As you can see we've been out hiking again, and this time Claire was actually awake and forward-facing in the baby-bjorn. She discovered trees during her journey and spent most of the time staring skyward. The other part of the time she spent staring down at the ground because she had nearly blinded herself from staring up at the sun. So it went, back and forth, gazing up then down with brows furrowed. We still think she enjoyed herself regardless, since she did not have to do an ounce of work during the 5 mile journey. I would be all over adult sized baby-bjorns if they made them. I just don't know who would volunteer to carry me...

You're probably wondering what Claire and I do all day while Brian is at work. The video below pretty much sums it up. You're going to have to watch it sideways since I am unable to rotate it! Anyway, aside from her friend Mr. Fan, there's also Mr. Projector, and Mr. Shelf with whom she converses every day. It makes for a busy schedule, so now you know why I don't have time to answer my cell phone or respond to email messages.


Mandarijn Orange said...

Have you checked out the Adiri bottles? They are shaped like a boob and are the only kind that our girl would take (reluctantly) after being exclusively breastfed.

Christine said...

We used Dr. Browns on a friend's recommendation. They're supposed to reduce gas, I think. Maya liked them from the get-go, so we never tried to change. I don't think there's anything all that special about the nipples though. (I just read the online description... something about mimicking the natural vacuum like suction of breastfeeding. Strange.)

Sarah said...

Thanks for your advice ladies! If things don't improve over the next couple of days then we may try your suggestions. Her bottle-feeding yesterday went surprisingly well but it may have been a fluke.

Karen said...

Great Blog Sarah! I plan to show the video in our volunteer office next week. However, as other hospital staff walk by our glass windows, they will wonder why everyone is standing together with their heads tipped to the left.