Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby on boulders

What's the remedy for a grumpy, teething, feverish baby? Hiking! The baby books have failed to mention this but we find that it sure works for us and Claire. This weekend we explored Sunol Regional Wilderness which is a half hour drive from our house. We got to scramble around on boulders and discovered lots of small waterfalls and cascades, called "little yosemite". Claire screamed with delight as Daddy boulder hopped his way around. She was fascinated with all the waterfalls (and the river stones which apparently taste good). It was a great diversion and Claire was ready for a nap during the drive home.

That's right, it's not a trick of the eye. Mommy does have official bangs now. I'm still getting used to this look...I haven't had my hair like this since I was in elementary school!


Christine said...

I was about to say... I really like the new bangs!

Esther said...

Since it's "Delurking Day" I'll admit I've been a blog lurker and keep up to date with your photos and adventures without leaving comments. So today I'm here to let you know that I enjoy my little peeks at what you and Claire are up to-- and the bangs are cute. I was thinking of getting some myself!