Sunday, January 17, 2010

Feeling Better

Claire had a bad case of the croup this week. If you haven't experienced this first hand, its a bunch of coughing with some weezing and it sounds pretty bad. This is not to be confused with the other definition of croup, which means the highest part of the rump of a quadruped, esp. a horse. She did not become or have a large horse behind, she simply had a bad cough. If she were an adult, she'd probably take some cough syrup, but the medicine they give babies is oddly a much stronger medicine... steriods.. Yep, steriods. Its fitting that Mark Mcgwire admitted using steriods this week. We decided to admit it right here, come clean once and for all so that Bud Selig or any other commissioner of any sport that Claire may play will be well aware of why she can throw a ball 200mph. After taking the steriod she became almsot immediatlely better and being the good dad I am, I decided it would be appropriate to try to take advantage of the situation and do a mini-workout with her so that she could build up her muscles. Sarah later informed me that its not the same kind of steriod. Anyway, she's doing better now. Here are some pictures:

Riding on the new horse that Uncle Stephen and Aunt Anna sent her:
Rolling around eating her socks:

Crawling around and throwing Dad's socks (these were dirty one's too):

Posing for a picture in the bath:

Helping Mom with Laundary:

Standing on her new step stool excited to wash her hands.

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