Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ellicott City Standoff

Ellicott City, MD ( - The situation in Ellicott City continues to diminish as the standoff is now stretching into its fourth day. Given the ongoing events, officials at the Sivitz household could not be reached for immediate comment, but neighbors have told reporters that the youngest member of the Sivitz family continues to hold his mother Sarah hostage. Police have been called in to take action but were not equipped to handle a young child gripping to the inside of a womb. While Sarah anxiously waits to be freed she has been seen trying to escape by doing jumping jacks and spending hours in the garden. Yesterday the situation grew tense when the elder Sivitz's attempted to smoke the baby out of his hiding place. Details of the situation are not completely clear, but it appears the family baked a birthday cake, lit candles, and sung happy birthday to their unborn child. Refusing to accept these terms of surrender, Tyler continues to holdout for a higher birthdate. Doctors familiar with the situation do not appear ready to take action, but a meeting of the minds has been proposed for early on the 14th to assses the situation and discuss potential ways to coax Tyler to raise the white flag. Until this situation can be resolved, tensions will remain high but we will continue to report updates as we receive them.

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