Friday, August 26, 2011

Claire's latest toy

One of Brian's co-workers suggested the Strider Bike for Claire, and after seeing videos of toddlers in action on their striders, we ordered her one.  There aren't any pedals, so the child just propels and steadies themselves with their feet on the ground.  Claire's strider bike just arrived today.  She insisted on riding it right away!  She mostly just "walked" it around in our driveway, but she did that for at least 1/2 an hour and was smiling the whole time. 

I think the strider bike is such a great idea.  Claire has had a tricycle for over 6 months and she never sat on it for more than 5 minutes.  Booooring.  The strider allows the child to learn how to balance and steer gradually, and within their own comfort limits.  You should check out all the youtube videos out there -- as children feel more confident they start to hold their feet up off the ground while they are gliding along.  So cute!

Claire also loves her new helmet.  She insisted on wearing it during our outing yesterday to the grocery store.  You can never be too safe.  Even at Safeway.

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