Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day after Irene

We discovered a leak in our roof, thanks to hurricane Irene's wrath last night.  There was about a gallon of water pooled on top of our sunroom ceiling this morning, which we drained out by drilling a hole in the drywall.  Thank goodness this is the extent of the damage to our property.  It was a pretty sleepless night for us as we anxiously peered through the windows to see how things were faring outside.  The wind sure can sound scary!

This morning there were trees uprooted throughout our neighborhood, including one that had landed on a home.  It was ironic to see the destruction on our way to the playground, especially when it ended up being a nice sunny and breezy afternoon.  Tyler enjoyed his first swinging experience, plus his first time riding in the backpack. 

This praying mantis was on our patio right before all the rain started yesterday.  He was waving his arms around in an intense "prayer".  Maybe we should thank him for our safe night?

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