Friday, August 19, 2011

Get your potty on

I'm surprised that I don't have any memories of my own potty training experience.  From what my parents tell me, I was slow in that department.  This was back in the old days when kids weren't expected to attend preschool (which I didn't), so hence the potty training wasn't a prerequisite until I was ready to go to kindergarten.  Shouldn't I then have been old enough to have memories of the learning process?  Surely I fell into the toilet at least once?  I think and think and completely draw a blank.

Brian and I are really working the positive reinforcement angle when it comes to Claire's successes on the potty.  If she drops a deuce in the toilet, we essentially have a full on party.  There are high-fives, stickers distributed, coins dropped into her piggy bank, hershey kisses eaten, and cartoons to watch!  I'm thinking she may remember each and every bowel movement of her childhood, at this rate.  I think I'll break out the party hats next.

You must think we are insane.  At least a bit indulgent, right?  Well, I'm telling you when your toddler poops in the potty there is no describing the sense of utter relief in knowing that you don't have to chase her down, wrestle off her pants and diaper, use at least 10 wipes to clean up the you-know-what (while she's squirming), and then dress her again. All of this while enduring THE WORST odor you've ever experienced up close and personal.  Yes, we will give her a pony if she wants one, so long as she does the deed on her little throne!

Potty training is such a special experience.  What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  I have to believe this.

                Picture of Claire Enjoying the Potty           

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