Friday, September 09, 2011

First day of pre-school

Claire's 2 and a 1/2 years old, and officially starting her academic life.  Starting today she is in "class" for 3 hours on Fridays, at a pre-school in a community center 15 minutes from our house.  She was excited and anxious on our way to school today.  There was some crying when we left her in her classroom (the "smiley room", for 2-3 year olds) but when I picked her up later she was all smiles and she told me she liked school. 

Claire was a little disappointed that she didn't get to ride on a school bus, but I'm ok with that!  On the first day of school I saw all the crying moms dropping their kids off at the bus stops on our street.  It made me start to tear up just watching them with their video cameras and good bye kisses.  Glad I don't have to bear that for a few more years.

Tyler doesn't get to go to pre-school yet, even though he expressed great interest in Claire's classroom.

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