Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Moving right along

Tyler had his 6 month check-up last week.  He weighed in at 18 lbs and practically crawled right off the examination table.  The kid is unstoppable.  He is now starting to crawl/climb up onto things, and he is pulling himself up onto his knees easily.  If I help him into the standing position, he can stay there so long as he has something to hold onto. 

He has become extremely aware of situations too.  Bedtime has turned into a fiasco.  We lay him down in his crib and he proceeds to sit or kneel at the railing screaming his head off!  He can keep it up for an hour easily.  He's not hungry.  He's definitely tired.  But he refuses to go to bed unless he is practically numb with exhaustion.  I think he is asserting his alpha male status. (Oh, sorry Brian you've been demoted.)

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