Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy birthday to me

I got the best combo on my birthday:  I got quality family time AND wine.  We hiked with the kids around Sugarloaf Mountain, enjoying views of the Potomac river and fields, then relaxed at the Sugarloaf Winery at the base of the mountain afterwards.  We're talking a smooth cabernet, live music, delicious tapenade, and well-behaved kids.  It was perfect!  The only hitch about the day was that Claire took a nasty spill while we were out hiking.  She managed to chip one of her front teeth and bust up her lips.  She was quite painful last night, but after seeing her dentist today she has been telling everyone that the "dentist make it all better".  What that means is that the dentist prescribed yummy bubble-gum flavored amoxicillin.  Claire did eat well today and she was in good spirits.  Let's hope that the tooth stays in there.  I've just booked our family portraits for the end of October!

Yeah, that's our boy!  He's getting huger.

And of course, there was birthday cake in the evening.  There's something about a child's excitement over birthday cake that just makes the whole aging thing 100% better. 

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