Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby Anxiety

In the last couple of days I've pretty much given up hope that Claire will be born anytime soon. In fact I've pretty much accepted the fact that my beard will grow so long that I'll be forced to move to the backwoods of some less valuable state and become a mountain man. I'll more than likely be speaking to squirrels and asking them things like "Where do you find a good nut around here?" Of course any self-respecting squirrel is smart enough to know that nuts are their livelihood and would not reveal the location of their treasured winter meal. Alas, I will simply sigh and strangle the squirrel to death and cook it over a fire. If only Squirrels could learn to share then they wouldn't be eaten by someone higher on the food chain.

Although I've given up hope that the baby won't be coming soon, I think nearly everyone I speak to at my work has Baby Anxiety. Anytime my phone rings, I get a paged, or I'm running to catch a train their is widespread speculation that Sarah is actively pushing the baby out into the world.

There is one thing keeping me going during this waiting period... I heard from a very reliable source that the baby's can't stay in their forever. I guess that means they eventually come out.

ABC ya.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

This was a very amusing post. I hope that you shave soon, however. You don't want Claire to meet you when you are a wild man. She might not imprint you correctly as Daddy! Okay, clearly I am biased and prefer the clean shaven. Mabye you should begin shaving a bit every day until she is born. That way you will likely still have a few long hairs the day she is born...