Thursday, January 29, 2009

Labor is a long and boring process

We've now been at the hospital for about 5.5 hours. When we got here it was much like checking into a hotel and nothing like you see in the movies. Instead of rushing to the hospital with a screaming wife aching in pain, we calmly drove to the hospital, stopping a Sarah's work to drop off a cake she had baked the night before.. After that we meandered over to my work so I could pick up the battery charger for my computer. As we arrived in the labor and delivery room pulling our rolling luggage behind us we gave them our names and they showed us our room. After unpacking and settling in the doctors began asking all kinds of questions and sticking needles into all kinds of different places. Luckily they have yet to stick me, unfortunately they've stucken Sarah nearly a half dozen times. She is now on an IV drip of Pitocin to help the baby come out and the contractions increase. Unfortunately we do have a very stubborn baby and even this doesn't seem to be doing much. At least it hasn't done anything in the last 5 hours. Sarah currently has no pain but appears to be having contractions every few minutes. She says, he look I'm having a contraction. And I can verify this by looking at the piece of paper constantly printing out showing both the babies hearbeat (currently 150) and the contraction level... whatever that means. At one point Sarah was so proud of the graph from one of her contractions that she even said "Look, that was a pretty one" .. So anyway, we bought some playing cards and are currently playing gin rummy and watching TV.

1 comment:

The Count Del Monte said...

This sounds totally not awesome. But good luck! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.