Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday is today

In France everything is closed on Sundays but in California things are not closed. As a tribute to this Sarah and I plan on going to the largest store ever imagined (Costco) and purchasing a year's suppply of Soymilk. I am actually not exaggerating here as we generally get about 50 Soymilk containers and go through one of them a week. I wonder if Claire will enjoy Soymilk. I made the long slow transition in that I started, as most babies do, with Mom's milk and moved on to 2% and then Skim Milk, and then Soymilk. I wonder what it would be like for Claire if we forced her to go directly to soy...

1 comment:

Karen said...

Maybe Claire would become alergic to soy milk. This is only my opinion and not a medical fact.