Monday, January 26, 2009

Spring Training is Right Around the Corner

For all of our friends and family who are wondering whether or not the baby has been born yet, the answer is still no. Sarah is not yet in labor and the baby is still holding out for a better deal. Yesterday she actually asked for an agent before she gives up her free agent status and permantly signs with us as her parents. She didn't like the no-trade clause we were offering her, but we reminded her that the no-trade clause also prevents us from giving up on her should she become a nasty toddler or a bratty teenager. I think she's warming up to the idea now, but she did hire an agent. Or at least she said she hired one. Or at least that is what we interpreted from the random kicking she has been doing on Sarah's belly. Anyway, assuming we can get through all this legal mumbo jumbo and Claire agrees to sign with us, we should have a baby by weeks end. At the very least, we'll have her signed by the time spring training starts. With that said, this forum is the best place to find the latest press releases and pictures of Claire, so keep your browser's tuned to I'll provide frequent updates when the baby decides to join team Sivitz.


Alicia said...

So no matter how often I ask mom to bet with me on the date of Claire's birth, she still won't pick a date (like grand-daughter like grand-mother?). Anyway, my money is on the real due date- for me that starts in 2 hours. I guess I will hedge my bets and say it lasts until midnight Pacific time giving me a full 33 hour window during which time Sarah should begin labor!

Alicia said...

oh no- am I betting on sports?!! Isn't that illegal? No contracts please...

Karen said...

I did pick January 26 for Sarah to deliver since I delivered Ali one day before my due date. With only five hours left... no wait that is 7 hours PST, I still may have a chance to win.

Sarah said...

Karen, I did walk/jog 4 miles earlier today in an effort to stimulate labor...but nothing yet! I also did laundry, painted some window trim and a door, baked a cake, and swept the floors. Claire's really kicking right now but it'd have to be a super quick labor if she were to make it by mid-night tonight.

Alicia said...

Go Sarah Go! You can do it!!

I realized I miscalculated my hours, I actually get 18 hours extra, right? I start my day 9 hours before you, then you end yours 9 hours after me... So I get 42 hours?

Karen said...

I can see that Sarah is handling pregancy well. No couch potato for sure. Keep it up. When Claire arrives and you will be back to your slim self in no time.