Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Party Has Started

Sarah is not allowed to eat while she is in labor which isn't too fun. But I am allowed to eat so I just went and got a burrito at Una Mas. While I was gone they decided to break Sarah's water. This seems to have gotten things moving right along. She is having contractions about every two minutes and each one seems to make her stop talking and breath deeply. This is not nearly as bad as the women in the room next to us. This women screamed very loudly for about an hour straight. It was so long and loud that by the end of it her voice was so hoarce that we thought it was a man scream. A few minutes ago the manly screams coming from the woman turned into baby screams. I think that means she's given birth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Brian,

Been informed by Andrew on Facebook that today is the day. Congrats and best wishes!
