Friday, January 30, 2009

Claire Pictures


The Count Del Monte said...


Alicia said...

Wow, my little French niece is so cute. I can't wait to see a smile! Everyone in France, well everyone here with me says well done! Nice big baby! They also like the French name!

Christine said...


Karen said...

I can't wait to see Claire in person. She looks so adorable and cuddly. Great job in giving us a granddaughter!

lithboy said...


Christine said...

Oh... and Tim says grab as many of those blue bulb syringes as you can. The ones you can buy at the store stink!

runningmonkey said...

Congratulations!!!! She's beautiful!

Susan & Jeremy

Yusing said...

I think the 1/4 Korean part of your baby wanted to be born in the new lunar new year!

Gayle said...

I am so excited for both of you and baby Claire. I am overwhelmed by the "cycle of life" just as your little daughter is born and my own 18-year-old baby (i.e., Shane) leaves for college this week. I still remember the absolute joy when he was born, and I'm sure you are experiencing the same thing. Enjoy every moment. Does this mean I'm a great aunt?? Yeah!!